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Publisher Marketing:
This foundational book will equip each believer with the basic steps to a life-transforming, deeper intimacy with the Father. Transforming the Inner Man introduces the keys that reach to the depth of the heart with the power of the cross and resurrection to effect lasting change through continual death and rebirth. John and Paula Sandford take a no-nonsense approach to Christian living. A few of their chapter titles are as follows: - Sanctification and Transformation - Performance Orientation - The Central Power and Necessity of Forgiveness - The Role of a Christian Counselor - Bitter-Root Judgment and Expectancy - Generational Sin
In this thought-provoking and sensitive message, the Sandfords challenge every believer to focus on change from the inside out. A change that will last.
Tag New Release
Author Sandford, John & Paula
Availability From 2020-04-26
Item Code 9781599790671
Item Reference 459761
Page Count 224
Publish Date 2007-05-01
Type Paperback

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